The Case of the Mutant Ideologies and the Failed Bitcoin Solution

· 6 min read
The Case of the Mutant Ideologies and the Failed Bitcoin Solution

The Mutant Ideologies


Some believe there is a fight between Capitalism and Liberalism...

Some believe that those fights are nothing but distractions to keep the population from focusing their attention on the real issues....

In my opinion, those ideologies are mutating and merging into Authoritarianism.

Censoring have become so common that private companies in the USA have gone to the extreme to censor and cancel intellectuals, journalist, PhD's, MD’s, scientist and even a democratically elected president when they speak against the narrative supported by that company, the globes are off and the fight is now in the open between corporations interests, the same companies who have in their pockets the political apparatus and the judicial power of the countries in which they operate.

Meanwhile, the majority of those who align themselves with one of the three ideologies, are fighting the others as if they where the owners of truth, censoring each other, sad to watch and ironic, in most cases...

The Censoring Age


Once upon a time we used to debate, adding value to the society while doing so, now is just an unintelligent fight with weak arguments and in many cases incredibly absurd, very rapidly the conversation turns into insulting, dismissing the other party with no arguments and even censoring if against of the narrative of the platform landlords. Surreal if you think about it.

If you are a critical thinker, you may have theories, but you have to be scratching your head trying to find out How we got here?, By design? Or just a product of our own technological development oriented to profit and not the improvement of our health and social wealth fare. Perhaps the latest...

Does it matter to know how? I believe it does because learning from those errors we could start building a better society one step at the time so in two or three generations we could have the required base to build a more adequate social construct. Naive, but it would be nice.

The Failed Bitcoin Solution


I am of the opinion that we will not be able to obtain a more adequate social construct until we manage to separate the state from the money, hence the statement, fix the money, fix the world...

We are failing badly. Bitcoin was a tool to achieve that, it is failing miserably, it become a store of value, a very profitable one, an excellent investment, it was hard for the system to beat it, but despite of its incompetent officials, the FIAT system managed to control it and turn it into their benefit, now governments, corporations and institutions are buying it and soon we will observe the wash trading, buying and selling between themselves legally using the rules the system offers to manipulate and accumulate while the current "whales" reaching already their mid 40s and 50s will sell into FIAT large quantities of Bitcoin to retire comfortable, people tends to forget that there is a time factor.

Those in their 30s will probably build around it or go to real state and sit happy, but, Where are the values and the ideology Satoshi intended to push in the world? Doesn't seem it is in Bitcoin "hodlers" hands anymore. Very few real hard core libertarian believers left in the ecosystem.

If we go beyond that and we say, well, it could be adopted as currency in other countries besides El Salvador... Sure, but Why? What will be the benefit to that country unless they have a massive amount of Bitcoin already? It would not be fair for their citizens, basically, those institutions and governments that in few years will own the majority of the coins and the current wealthy Bitcoiners become the ones that can take advantage from that measure instead of the citizens of that country.

Countries would do well adding it to their reserves as they do with gold, but by no means it will be a P2P cash solution for the masses, nor it will help to solve the money problem.

Any options?


In my opinion is not that complicated, every nation could create a Bitcoin like currency with a cap of whatever it thinks it should be. Copying the Satoshi vision, nothing to do with the CBDC concept which is nothing but the same FIAT system with no cash.

That means that the coins should be capped at certain amount, Inmutable and Decentralized not controlled by the state and make it a legal tender with the regulation of the state equal to its current currency.

Technically is quite easy to implement, forking a privacy coin and making it more efficient to have instant payments as with Lightning Network will do the trick.

The effect of such measure will be a very strong currency that will benefit all their citizens equally. Sure, there is the current FIAT system with its tentacles everywhere, which needs to be transitioned and removed in parallel. Not a simple task, nor it will go down without a fight.

A fair launch of the token is required with no "genesis block", no "original address" (corruption) with a large percentage of the tokens. Nowadays, most states are corrupted and will most probably use the current currency printing machine to acquire as much as possible of the new currency making it a failed project from the start. Think about how much money the countries can print and buy Bitcoin with that money, think what they can do with it...

Regulation to avoid the governments from buying the tokens with printed money is required from the beginning.

Plausible, right?. The only needed action is to remove the corrupted and incompetent officials that are in the pockets of the nations landlords... Oh, but the landlords owns the judicial system and the military industrial complex so this seems to be a quite obvious and simple task but next to impossible to accomplish.

Baby steps?


We need legislation to separate the state from the private money. That alone will weaken the landlords over time and thus, little by little, their grip on the judicial system will perish and change can emerge with less opposition from the corrupted officials.

Is there a chance?


In my opinion, not in the short term.

The ones with political power and control over the world resources I call landlords, won't let go. Why will they?

Even in the miraculous scenario that few of those individuals or families decide to assist with the needed changes, others will take their place, therefore, I have no illusion it can be achieved rapidly or ever.

If you are very young, you still may be thinking that with few marches and protests the people can steer the direction of a nation, nothing more far from the truth... When it works it had been carefully planned and funded by a foreign country or nefarious group looking to change power in a nation to take advantage of its resources in one way or another and the naive youth is used to achieve the goal.

One possible scenario would be a sudden introduction of technologies that empower the individual to be free of the control of the system, the following three would be an excellent start:

  1. Free energy (Tesla's dream...),
  2. Free tech for the desalination of sea water,
  3. Free access to atmospheric water devices for the production of drinking water from the humidity in the air.

But to believe that the current powers will not push back is naive. The most logical scenario is that they will make those technologies illegal and prosecute anyone sharing them or using them or tax them heavily as Spain did not long ago with the solar panels installed at home by individuals, surreal but it happened, it was called the "sun tax" implemented in October 2015 and removed in November 2018.

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